Tag Archives: Listing test plans

Listing test plans, test suites using TCM

Listing test plans, test suites using TCM

Location tcm.exe is located in \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE on any machine that has Visual Studio Ultimate, Visual Studio Premium, or Visual Studio Test Professional installed
You can get a list of test artifacts from the command line by using the following tcm commands:
      • tcm plans /list
      • tcm suites /list
      • tcm configs /list
              • tcm testenvironments /list
This is very important as It is required identify test plan id, test suite id and test case id in order to upload results of a test case, which defined on Microsoft Test Manager during the test automation process. It is possible to identify ids of test plan and test cases through UI. But test suite id need to get through by executing below query
Ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff942472.aspx